Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Lenticular Photographs Are Here!

What the heck is a lenticular photograph, you ask!  It's one of those cool prints that change when you move them back and forth.  Check out my sample on the right to get an idea.  You've seen them before, but never knew that you could have one made with images from you or your family.  Well, now you can!

Why order a lenticular print?  There are many ways these prints can be used.  You can choose two or three different shots and have one cool image to share with friends & family showcasing them all.  Or maybe you would like to have several photographs of your child from when they were a baby, to being a toddler, to being a child.  See them grow up all over again with the waive of your print!

I'm looking at offering these prints at a great introductory price of $25 for a 3.5x5 inch print.  Let me know what you think of this new product with a comment below.  You know that I'm always on the look out for new and exciting products but your feedback is essential.  And hey, if you see something out there that you think is pretty cool and I should offer, just send me a line!

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Vintage Portrait Special a Success!

Thanks to all those who participated in my Vintage Special on Saturday.  I got a lot of cute shots with some of my vintage props, and although is was a little chilly, I think everyone had a good time.  I wanted to share one of my favorite images with you.  This is Lindsay and Scott with their daughter Madilyn.  Aren't they a cute family!

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Die Cut Boutique Cards Are Finally Here!

Anyone who knows me knows how much I love collecting gorgeous design templates for making unique and impressive cards.  Not to disappoint this Holiday Season, I spent most of today naming, resizing and uploading my latest holiday card designs.  So if you have a few minutes and are curious to see what all the fuss is about, check my new designs out at

Just to give you a sneak peak, here are a couple of the designs.  My boutique cards are printed on both sides, come in an array of different papers (my favorite is the pearl has an irridescent quality to it!), and include envelopes.  So let me know what you think, and hey, if you already did your holiday card thing this year, just keep me in mind for next year.  I always run specials every October 1st thru November 15th and I think next year's special will include a session and 25 boutique cards.

Happy shopping and a warm & memorable holiday season to you & yours!