Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Raindrops Keep Fallin' on my Photoshop!

Anyone who knows me knows that I love anything different.  I always like to be the first in the area to offer cool new products to my clients.  So when I saw these amazing graphics that could add "rain" to any photograph, I hopped on it.  (No pun intended since my last name is Hopp.)

Here is a before & after of an image using this Photoshop graphic.  To see it larger and better, just click on the image.  I will be offering this special effect as one of my "H Series" upgrades.  Now if we could only get it to actually rain here in San Diego, wouldn't that be nice?

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

20% off Metal Shapes or Holiday Cards in October !

I've had such wonderful compliments on the metal shapes I offer that I decided to do a special this month.  Order any photograph taken by me and have it printed on one of many different offered shapes & sizes, and receive 20% off.  There are no limits!  Metal shapes can be made with either our beehive, easel or stand out mounts.

Your order must be placed and paid for by October 26th to get the 20% discount.  Regular prices for these cool looking metal shapes can be viewed and/or printed out from my website at  Just click on RATES, go to "family/children pricing," and click on the price list link.

There are many different size and cutout options and I have samples if you want to come by and look at them.  What a great holiday gift whether for yourself or a family member!

And speaking of the holidays, we are also offering 20% off holiday cards that are ordered and paid for by October 26th.  Yup, I know what you're thinking, isn't is waaaaaaay too early to order holiday cards?  But wouldn't it be great to have a couple of weeks in November to address all your cards and have them sent out by December 1st?  You would be the envy of all your friends & family, I promise!  They would think of you as being so organized, and hey, that's why I'm there to help.  I like making you look good!  Check out my HUGE assortment of December Holiday Card templates at