I read this poem once about different types of friends. It really stuck with me through the years, and I would love to share it with you.
We all have many types of friends,
And in our life they come and go.
But if we can understand their roles,
Then it can be easier to let some go.
Some friends are there for you,
At a time when you are in dire need.
They have come into life for a reason,
Giving you what you require indeed.
But when this reason is resolved,
It often becomes time to part,
Because when the reason is gone,
Both may want a fresh new start.
Other friends are there for a season,
To laugh with and have lots of fun.
But just as seasons come to an end,
Sometimes these friendships are done.
Some people are very fortunate,
To have very special lifetime friends.
Who will remain in their life forever,
And that is a friendship that never ends.
I am lucky and have many lifetime friends,
Who came into my life for a reason.
We’ve enjoyed many laughs and shed tears,
But they stayed long after a season.
Why do I bring this up? Because I think you can say the same thing about customers. There are those that are a one time client. Not because you didn't do a good job, but because they needed something specific at one time. Then there are those who are with you for a while, you see them periodically until they move or find someone else who is closer or more convenient. Then there are those who are a part of your life. They may not book you every year, but when the need arises for a photographer, you are their first thought. They are the ones who keep me in business and their relationships mean the world to me. The Feldstein Family is one of those families.
Teressa and Rick Feldstein first contacted me about 16-17 years ago to do their first "family portrait." It was of the two of them with their three dogs. I was located in Vista at the time and we did their session at Warmwater Beach in Carlsbad. Then in 2002, after I had moved to Escondido and started working out of my new home, they called me again. They had moved up to Napa Valley and were down for vacation with their two young children. I did a session in my home garden and was pleased to find out that Teressa was very good friends with my neighbor's daughter, Amy. Amy lived up in Napa Valley too, and the fact that they met through a children's play group was incredible. What a small world to not only meet people who are from your neck of the woods, but the fact that they both knew me was uncanny.
So fast forward to this past month. Teressa called me to let me know they would be down in San Diego again and would love for me to do a family portrait of them with their three children at the beach. Wow! How happy am I to see them again and see how their family has grown over the years. We decided on Windansea Beach in La Jolla and even though the weather wasn't ideal, we got some amazing photographs of the Feldstein family. So a huge thank you to Teressa and Rick for having me be a part of your family vacation and allowing me to create some amazing memories.